To unsubscribe from notifications to a particular single discussion, you have to go back to the page that you first left the comment on, since that is where you were (automatically) signed up. The Unsubscribe button is hidden in the Discussion menu with the star label. Simply click the down-arrow next to the star label and select “Unsubscribe from email.”

A green confirmation box will appear to let you know the action was completed.

Now that you’ve unsubscribed from one thread, the problem is that every time you leave a comment with Disqus it will keep automatically sign you up for email notification updates. You’ll want to get rid of that, unless you enjoy the email. To make sure these annoying notifications don’t come back. Visit your Disqus account dashboard. From there open the Notifications tab and uncheck the box labeled “Subscribe to threads that I comment on.” You can disable all of the notifications if you like, but I like to leave in the ones that let me know someone replied to my comment or mentioned me specifically. Now scroll to the bottom of this tab.

Click Save Changes at the bottom.

Done! No more email blasts from Disqus, at least, not the spammy kind.   Thanks for responding. I’m just looking for clues. I am still though, getting 30+ emails from disqus with people who when I click the link, it is like they are all spam. There has not been one comment below any comments I’ve made recently. Comment