You should aim to turn one video into multiple pieces of content. Rather than simply share the same video link across other platforms, it’s so important to natively upload multiple pieces of content in a format that works best for each social media platform.

By repurposing your video content and creating new tailored posts for each platform, your brand or business will reap the rewards, including: • Producing social content for a range of platforms helps you widen your audience. Presenting content in a tailored format ensures you get the best reach and engagement. Facebook, for example, penalizes non-native content. By simply uploading your video to Facebook directly, you’re greatly increasing your reach. • By repurposing video content, you’re maximizing your return on investment (ROI). By creating multiple pieces of content from a single video, you’re taking time and stress out of the content creation process. When done right, the creation of a single video can cover all your content needs on all your platforms for a full week.  • You maximize your conversion potential by cross-posting. Now, rather than having one post and its potential, you’ve created ten, twenty, thirty, or more pieces of content, all of them carrying the power to gain new customers. Ready to get started? Let’s run you through everything you need to know about how to turn over video into multiple pieces of social media content.    

How To Repurpose Your Video Content

If repurposing sounds daunting, it shouldn’t. It can be done quickly, easily, and doesn’t need to be a tricky task (even if you’re a video content newbie!). Here are just a few ways to turn one video into multiple pieces of content.

Transform your video into a blog post

From an SEO perspective, updating your website regularly with written content is vital. Having video content on your site is equally crucial. But did you know the blogs with the greatest potential to rank are those presented in multiple formats?  Google (and other search engines) always try to present users with multiple formats that answer their search queries. Yes, they often show users blogs and static, written content. But they prioritize sites that also give readers multimedia options. So, if you’re blogging, having a video version of your blog is the single most powerful thing you can do for your SEO. And if you’re already creating video content, transcribing that video and uploading the transcript with the video is an absolute no-brainer.  You will also gain brownie points on YouTube (which is the second-largest search engine next to Google and owned by Google) if you upload transcripts or captions of your video to the platform. Bonus tip: make sure you’re leveraging this blog post across all of your social channels with link preview posts and dynamic carousels breaking down the key points on Instagram.

Create a podcast episode from your video

If you don’t already have a podcast, think about starting one. Audio, like video, is increasingly popular. Audiences don’t always like to read, or don’t have the time. The audio format can be absorbed in your audience’s daily commute, while they walk the dog, do the dishes, or work out at the gym. And, just like adding a video to a blog makes the blog more powerful, so does an audio version. Remember, search engines love multimedia! The best bit? Podcasts are a brilliant content format to share on social media. Whether your use a link sticker on Instagram Stories or share a post to your LinkedIn page, there are endless ways to amplify your podcast content to build your presence on social media. 

Create Pinnable infographics

Speaking of multimedia, when you’re uploading your video to your website ensure you create an eye-catching cover image (usually a photo or graphic with the title) in your branding. Then, create a board on Pinterest (another massive search engine) and pin all your posts to it.  While you’re at it, adding additional images that are worthy of pinning is a great way to drive traffic to your website and increase your reach. Can you create an infographic that conveys the core information or message of your video? If not, how about a nicely designed quote? There’s no limit to how many images you can create and pin on Pinterest, with a link to your video on YouTube or your website, so don’t be afraid to pack in those backlinks! Optimize them further with short descriptions and relevant hashtags and you’ll soon have people repinning and spreading your content.

Amplify your video content on Pinterest

While we’re on the subject of Pinterest, the platform now supports short-form video content. Find a snippet or two from your video that works well alone, and is visually appealing, and save these clips as separate videos. Pin them along with your cover images and infographics.

Create a LinkedIn article

Once you have the transcript of your video to create a blog post for your website, create a LinkedIn thought leadership article and share it with the business community.  Upload the full article directly to LinkedIn, or find a suitable stop point and end it there with a call to action to keep reading on your website, or watching on YouTube. 

Quora answers

Similarly, creating answers on Quora using the content from your video can be hugely beneficial to your SEO. If your content answers questions, search for threads relating to those questions and post the relevant sections of your video transcript in response. Don’t forget to link to the full video so people can find more information. 

Produce short video snippets

Go through your video and cut out a load of short snippets. These might be a couple of sentences of useful information, a vital tip, a piece of trivia, or pose an intriguing question.  You can use these as Tweets, with a link back to the full video for more information. You can also post them as TikToks and add a link to the full video in your bio (use LinkTree to add multiple links on a single URL).  Make sure to experiment with different video dimensions (such as vertical cuts along with classic square sizing) to ensure your video content performs well on a range of platforms.

Reshare a video on Instagram

There are endless ways to share video content on Instagram. The first is to simply upload it to Instagram in its full form. This used to be called IGTV, but a recent update saw all videos (aside from Reels) merged into a single video section on your profile. Instagram is shifting in favor of video as its main format. Instagram has always been dominated by images, but now, the platform is encouraging people to only post three images per week, while posting multiple videos in various formats on a regular basis. There are several ways to share short snippets of your video on Instagram: • Format short snippets of your video in 1080 x 1080 squares and post them to your grid. • Create Reels from clips of your video (make these 1080×1920). • Share brief clips (5-10 seconds) from your video as Stories, and let people know where they can watch the full version.

Repurpose your video content with Plann 

One of the huge benefits of repurposing is that you can create content for several days, or even a week, quickly and easily. Once you have all the files and content ready to go, you can simply schedule each post in advance.  This has the advantage of ensuring you don’t forget to post when the time is right. It’s also far less time-consuming to batch schedule content than it is to try and prepare your content daily. Plann’s all-in-one social media management suite is the perfect way to get everything scheduled. Simply shoot your video, and repurpose it into as many additional pieces of content as needed. Go on, try Plann Pro for a 7-day free trial. If you don’t like it, you can keep using Plann for free!