Instagram has always been a favorite among the younger generation, and it is becoming increasingly popular. The majority of people using Instagram are between the ages of 18-34, according to these statistics. The social media app for sharing photos and videos has attracted a lot of people, especially girls, to the platform. One of these girls could possibly turn out to be your soul mate.

In real life, it can get a bit daunting to approach girls. Perhaps you might be shy, you might be insecure, or you simply don’t know how to talk to a girl. However, approaching girls on Instagram can either get trickier or easier with time, depending on how well you play your cards. 

One benefit of texting a girl on Instagram is the virtual barrier which can help you get over your shyness. After all, she is miles away, right? On the other hand, Instagram may lack the human touch and physical effort that girls really appreciate. So, what to do now?

To repeat what was said above, if you play your cards right, you might not only add that human touch but also set yourself apart from all others. This guide will give you all the ins and outs of how to text a girl on Instagram.

Step #1: Check Her Instagram Profile

It may seem like an obvious thing to say, but a lot of people stumble in this first stage. When we say check her profile, we don’t mean a cursory glance at her photos. You really have to analyze her profile.

  • Step #1: Check Her Instagram ProfileStep #2: Like and Comment on Her PhotosStep #3: Reply to Her StoriesStep #4: Introduce YourselfStep #5: Send Her MemesStep #6: Be CharmingWhat To AvoidDon’t Be CreepyDon’t Be SexualDon’t Be BoringConclusion

Check her profile to see what type of pictures she uploads. If she is a book lover, she would typically post pictures of quotes and books. If she likes traveling, she will post pictures of her trips. Instead of just looking at her pictures, find out as much as you can about her hobbies and interests so you can have a topic to start with.

Step #2: Like and Comment on Her Photos

Avoid jumping the gun and messaging her directly. Make your presence known in a slow, subtle way. Like her photos and comment on them, but don’t be a creep about it. You don’t have to scroll down to her first photos and like each and every one of them. Just do it naturally and an occasional comment. 

If she posts a selfie or a picture of herself in a new suit, compliment her. If she posts something related to books, ask her for her favorite quote, for instance, or book recommendations. Try not to lay it thickly; girls will immediately get creepy vibes if you do so.

Step #3: Reply to Her Stories

An important step in learning how to text a girl on Instagram. A great way to initiate a conversation on Instagram is to reply to her stories. If you simply start a conversation in her DMs (Direct Messages), she may or may not respond. After all, you aren’t the only one trying to talk to her.

Story replies are casual, friendly, and give a specific point to talk about. If she posts a story about her vacation, you could wish her a good time or ask for recommendations for your vacation. Whenever a girl posts a story, she typically expects a reaction or a reply, whereas a message to her DM may not be received that favorably.

Step #4: Introduce Yourself

Alright. You have liked her pictures, replied to her stories, and established a little familiarity between you two. You are doing a great job so far. Now let’s actually initiate a conversation.

Remember when we said to check her profile to see what her interests are. Use her hobbies as an icebreaker. You can introduce yourself and ask for recommendations for movies, books, vacation spots, restaurants, or anything that is innocent, which will get her to reply.

You can also talk about any mutuals that you might have and any common places that you have gone to. It’s always easier to start off with something that you both have experienced rather than a wholly new topic. 

Step #5: Send Her Memes

Memes are always safe and fun to look at. They add humor and keep the conversation light without feeling that pressing need to reply to a text message. A girl will always appreciate a guy with a good sense of humor and will definitely show enthusiasm in replying to your messages. 

Step #6: Be Charming

Easier said than done. But if you have been following our guide, we are pretty sure that you have made a positive impression on her at least. Now you just have to maintain it. Confidence and charm are huge turn-ons for a girl. With humor, personality, and a little bit of luck thrown in the mix, you will be able to text any girl on Instagram.

What To Avoid

There are several things you need to avoid if you want to know how to text a girl on Instagram.

Don’t Be Creepy

There is a fine line between seeming interested and coming off as a stalker. Respect the fact that she is her own person and has a life. Don’t bombard her with comments and messages, and don’t take it to heart if she doesn’t reply immediately. 

Don’t Be Sexual

You like the girl; you want the girl to like you back. That’s fine. However, boys generally have the tendency to quickly steer the direction of their conversation to something sexual. Avoid this at all costs, because frankly speaking, this is a huge turn-off for girls if they don’t know you that well.

Don’t Be Boring

You are not the only one trying to talk to her. If all you are saying is generic compliments and stuff, you haven’t really set yourself apart from other guys. Try to get her to talk about her opinions, ideas, and experiences. Be interested in what she has to say (or at least pretend to be). And listen to her carefully.


All said and done, remember that Instagram is not a dating platform. However, it is a great app to get to know new people and interact with them. Sure, you might struggle initially but follow our guide, and you will be able to make a good impression on any girl!