The first episode of Tell Me Why features a scenario that requires you to solve a certain Mary-Ann bedroom door puzzle. In order to do this, you will have to select the right combination of animals in three tiny dials on the aforementioned door in order to open it.

You do have the alternate option of breaking down the door if you wish. However, unlocking it by successfully solving the puzzle will earn you the “Crafty Goblins” achievement. In this guide, we will help you solve the Mary-Ann bedroom door puzzle in Tell Me Why.

Solving the Mary-Ann bedroom door puzzle in Tell Me Why

Long story short, you will have to choose the animals in the given order, in order to solve the Mary-Ann bedroom door puzzle in Tell Me Why: moose, bear, pelican. If you want to find the solution yourself, you will have to check out the Book of Goblins. This is basically a book of stories written by the Ronan twins and their mother Mary-Ann, during their childhood. These stories serve to impart vital moral guidance to the children, via the medium of fantasy. However, Mary-Ann also used this book to conceal a number of tiny puzzles that you will come across when you are with the Ronan twins.

Coming to the bedroom puzzle we are concerned about, the solution to this one is present in a story titled “The Princess’ Party”. This story features the Princess being given gifts by several animals. You will have to construe which animal will give every present, going by the description of the animal given at the start of the story. The order of the gifts shown on the first page of the story indicates the order of the animals corresponding to the bedroom door puzzle.

Additional Info

According to the story, the steadfast and wise Moose gifted the torch to the Princess, to help her distinguish between right and wrong. The sharp-clawed Bear gifted her the sword to protect her from danger. And at last, the devout and observant Pelican gifted her the bag of coins, to help her buy food and clothes when needed. This corresponds to the order of the animals which will solve the bedroom door puzzle.

That is it for now. We hope our guide helps you understand everything about this puzzle in Tell Me Why. Now, check out our Windows Guides, Gaming Guides, Social Media Guides, iPhone, and Android Guides to read more. However, if there are any queries or feedback, comment down with your name & email ID. We will try our best to reply soon. Also, subscribe to our YouTube Channel in order to watch awesome videos on gaming and smartphone tips and tricks. Thank you!