Telegram is a messaging social media platform that’s been popular for many years. It has enhanced security features and other features like unlimited storage, using a @username instead of a phone number, and many more.

Another reason why Telegram is popular is because of dedicated channels where people can find information on various topics like IT, trading, entertainment, and many more.

Like other social media apps, Telegram has a block feature that allows you to limit someone’s access to your account. Sometimes you might wonder where those blocked contacts end up.

You’re not alone if you’re struggling with viewing blocked contacts on Telegram. This article details various methods to view blocked contacts and ways to block or unblock contacts.

Overview of Seeing Blocked Contacts on Telegram

The blocking function is helpful to any social media platform, including Telegram. Blocking is how you ensure a stalker, scammer, or anyone you don’t wish to associate with doesn’t access your account. When you block someone on Telegram, they can’t send direct messages or share things like photos and videos.

  • Overview of Seeing Blocked Contacts on TelegramStep-by-Step Guide To Seeing Blocked Contacts on TelegramOn the Mobile AppUsing a PCHow To Unblock Someone on Telegram?Method #1: From the Chat ListMethod #2: From your Telegram Contacts ListMethod #3: From your Blocked Contacts ListSummary

Even though the benefits of social media apps like Telegram far outweigh the negatives, they come with a few disadvantages. The most significant is the presence of bullies, scammers, and hackers. If someone sends you a suspicious message or asks for personal information like account numbers, locations, or PINs, it’s best to block them.

Many social media apps, including Telegram, have been infiltrated by online marketers who sometimes contact you with endless promotional messages. This can be annoying and distracting. If you have several online marketers contacting you frequently about things you’re not interested in, you can block them.

It’s normal to be curious about people you’ve blocked before. You may also want to unblock someone if you’ve reconciled, changed your mind, or don’t want to block them any longer.

Next, we discuss the exact steps to view blocked contacts on Telegram.

Step-by-Step Guide To Seeing Blocked Contacts on Telegram

Depending on the device, there are two ways to view blocked contacts on Telegram. These methods are detailed below.

On the Mobile App

Follow the steps below:

  • Open the Telegram app on your mobile device.
  • Tap on the Menu symbol (three stacked lines) at the top-left edge of the screen. Skip this step if you use an iOS device.
  • Tap on “Settings.”
  • Go to the “Privacy and Security” tab.
  • Tap on the “Blocked Users” option under Privacy.
  • View the list of blocked contacts.

Using a PC

This method is ideal for users primarily using or accessing Telegram via computer or laptop. You can view the blocked contacts using the steps below:

  • Launch the Telegram app on your PC.
  • Tap the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner.
  • Click “Settings.”
  • Click on “Privacy and Security.”
  • Go to the “Security” section and tap on the “Blocked users” tab.
  • View the list of blocked contacts.

How To Unblock Someone on Telegram?

There are several ways to unblock someone on Telegram. If you had a recent conversation, you can use the chat list method or unblock them from the block or contact list.

These methods are as discussed below:

Method #1: From the Chat List

This method is ideal for unblocking a person whose conversation is still on your chat list. Follow the steps below:

  • Launch the Telegram app.
  • Scroll down the conversation list and tap on the person you want to unblock to open.
  • Tap on the “Unblock user” option at the bottom.

Method #2: From your Telegram Contacts List

This method works well if you want to unblock someone you’ve not conversed with. Follow the steps below:

  • Launch the Telegram app.
  • Tap on the hamburger menu icon in the top left corner.
  • Click on “Contacts.”
  • Scroll down to the name of the person you want to unblock or use the search icon at the top.
  • After the chat box opens, click the “Unblock user” option.
  • Click “Ok” to confirm.

Method #3: From your Blocked Contacts List

  • Launch the Telegram app.
  • Tap the menu symbol (three stacked lines) at the top-left edge of the screen.
  • Click “Settings.”
  • Go to the” Privacy and Security” tab.
  • Click on the “Blocked Users” option.
  • Click on the three dots next to the name of the person you want to unblock.
  • Tap “Unblock User.”


The blocking function is essential to any social media app, including Telegram, as it enables you to limit access to your account. You can block contacts sharing suspicious messages, online marketers spamming you with promotional messages, or anyone you don’t want to contact on Telegram.

It’s normal to be curious about people you’ve blocked on Telegram. To view your blocked contacts, go to settings, then the “Privacy and Security” tab. After viewing blocked contacts, you can unblock them using the above methods.