The action role-playing game Maneater was launched last week, and so far, it has piqued the interest of many players out there. It is released in all major platforms, which include Windows, PS4, and Xbox One. The game is also reported to release the Switch version for the Nintendo Switch players. However, since these are initial days, not everything is perfect in the game. The one thing that is bothering a lot of these players is the save feature of Maneater.

Games support autosave feature as well as a manual save function. And in most games, it is a feature which is easily accessible in the menu. But with Maneater, things are somewhat complicated, which has left many people confused as to what they can do to save their progress in the game. Additionally, another aspect that is reported by many about the save feature of Maneater is that there is a bug. It automatically deletes the saves or disables the autosave. It results in users left with lost data of progress in the game. To help with it all, we have put together a guide for all the Maneater players who are having trouble saving their progress in the game.

How to Save Game?

The reason why people are having difficulty in saving the game in manual mode is that there is no option to do that. What this game does is that it automatically triggers an autosave whenever you complete a task in the game. The job could be a boss fight win, an upgrade, completed hunt, completed quest, and so on. So basically, every time you complete a task on Maneater, the game automatically saves your progress. There is no option in the game to do it manually.

However, as a workaround, you can save the game as per your need if you want to keep specific progress that the autosave feature just won’t save. You can do that by heading over to the grotto, which is your base in the game. You can upgrade or do whatever you want here, and the moment you do that, the autosave feature will come into function and save your game’s progress till then. All that you need to do is enter the grotto.

How do you save in grotto?

As mentioned above, all you need to do to save the progress is to enter the grotto, and the autosave will come into work. However, there is a catch. If you have not made any sort of development or change between your last visit to the grotto and this visit, then the autosave won’t work. Just going out of the grotto, taking a roam, and coming back won’t turn on autosave. However, things are not that simple all the time. It is because of a bug that will probably be fixed in future updates, but as of now, it is causing quite the issue.

Autosave not working:

As mentioned above, there is a bug that sometimes prevents the autosave feature. Sometimes it even deletes the saved progress, so much so that some players had to start from the beginning. It is most evident in the Playstation 4 version of the game, but other platforms are not entirely safe either. So one thing you can do is to check the right corner of your screen that shows the icon for autosave every time you complete a task. If you don’t see that, then assume that the bug is affecting your game. The good news is that the developers are aware of this bug and have already started working on it. Soon we should see an update on all platforms, after which this bug will probably get ironed out.

So that is all there is to know about the save feature of Maneater. If you were wondering about why your progress is not saved automatically, then now you have the answer to that. Hopefully, the developers will fix it soon too. If you have any queries, then comment down below. Also, be sure to check out our other articles on iPhone, Android, Games, Windows, and much more for more useful information.