Without a second thought, we can consider Minecraft as the best selling game of all times, with a record of more than 126 million active monthly users. The developers of Minecraft recently launched the new update for its players. This update is known as the Nether update. Within a short period, it has become the trending topic in the Minecraft community.

Following the release, Many players have shown doubts regarding this update. The most common distrust among the community members was how they could reset the Nether in Minecraft. This guide will help you to reset the Nether update in Minecraft.

Reset Nether in the Bedrock version

There is no way to reset Nether in the Bedrock version of Minecraft. Users can open Nether neither in Bedrock nor in any other parts of the world. When the users are playing on Bedrock, they will have to start a new world to come into Minecraft 1.16.

The same will be applicable for all the gaming platforms such as PS4, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, or mobile.

Reset Nether in the Java version

Minecraft players can reset the Nether in the Minecraft Java addition. This can be done with the help of an external tool. Users will need to install the MCA selector in their gaming platforms.

This tool will help the users to select vast sections of the world and eventually reset or delete it. The MCA selector is straightforward to use, and even naive players can use it and reset their Nether.

We hope you find this guide helpful in resetting the Nether in Minecraft update. If you liked this, don’t forget to check out our other Wallpapers, Windows Guides, Gaming Guides, Social Media, iPhone Tricks, and Android Tricks for more guides. Subscribing to our YouTube Channel will help you win the $150 giveaway contest. If you have any doubts or feedback, comment down below with your name along with the e-mail ID, and we will reply shortly. Happy Gaming.